In a recent PYMTS article, the research firm notes that 97 percent of FIs that offer video banking said their net promoter score (NPS) — a metric used to gauge customer satisfaction — was as good or better than their other channels, and 90 percent of video banking users said they would be willing to use video banking again. Why do so many people like video interactions? One reason is that they are comfortable with video meetings from the pandemic, but perhaps a bigger reason is that they like the level of personalization that video offers.
The article goes on to state that a notable 97 percent of consumers said that high-quality customer service was somewhat or very important, meaning it ranked higher than low fees, fraud protection and mobile access. Video goes a long way in meeting consumer desires for personal service, especially when branches are closed.
Key Takeaway: Our Flexible Branches Video Meetings module enables personalized and expert service at a distance while equipping your CU to handle both unscheduled video visitors and video appointments.