Many progressive credit unions have implemented instant issue card programs in their branches with great success.
Instant issuance enables members to walk into a branch and, within seconds, receive a fully-functioning, active payment card. But it is not just new members but increasingly existing members who have lost their cards or need a replacement card due compromised card data that would benefit from instant issuance. This increasingly common scenario represents a great opportunity for members to book appointments with your branch staff to come in and pick up their card.
Plus with a traditional, central issuance model, consumers must wait an average of seven to 10 days to receive their cards and even then, data suggests that only 90{91edff4ab0179c213d4d62ccb73735ad51d636906a6f58336791bd911b76df7b} are ultimately activated. The sooner the card is used, the faster credit unions can benefit from an immediate return on their investment.
Key Takeaway: Now is the time to combine your instant issue technology with an affordable digital appointment booking platform like our Mobile Appointment Booking Tool – a convenient solution that assures 100{91edff4ab0179c213d4d62ccb73735ad51d636906a6f58336791bd911b76df7b} card activation and faster interchange income.