Personal finances need constant attention, especially when disaster hits. In difficult times, many people want face-to-face advice which is why many CUs are finding creative and safe ways to keep their lobbies open. Here are some ways that we help CUs accomplish this goal:

  • Appointments – Many FIs and other organizations are currently switching to appointment-only branch visits.
  • Online Queuing – Online queuing addresses lobby waiting issues by empowering your members to queue in advance or avoid queues altogether.
  • “Text me when I’m soon to be served” – With this new feature in Better Lobby, visitors are free to wait for branch service wherever they like and know that they will receive a text when they are soon to be served.

Key Takeaway: Branches have always provided the most personalized way to deliver service, information, and counseling. When everyday life is disrupted unexpectedly, face-to-face branch visits become even more critical in positioning your CU as a trusted advisor.