A recent Financial Brand article posed 2 important questions for CUs:
1) How can digital technologies enhance person to person interactions?
2) How can digital technologies be better utilized when branch interactions are not convenient?
Our Product Development team has given a great deal of thought to these questions and subsequently directly addressed them with our solutions. Our Kiosk module helps with question 1 by allowing your branch visitors to easily check-in and then engage in other branch-provided activities with the confidence that branch staff knows of their arrival and that they will be served by your employees in the appropriate order.
To address question 2, we developed our Flexible Branches Video Module. This affordable module extends the conventional Better Lobby Branch Service Queue beyond the physical branch so that video visitors waiting in the virtual lobby can be seen and served by expert staff at any Better Lobby equipped location – plus employees can work from home if needed.
Key Takeaway: All of your channels need to work together in a single process that meets member needs in a manner most convenient to them.