In a recent CU Journal opinion piece, Sean Desmond, chief customer success officer at nCino, notes that “credit unions are in a unique position to both help their members during this challenging time and solidify their status as their members’ trusted financial resource for the future.” He recommends that credit unions reach out to members and “proactively contact them to set up virtual or phone counseling appointments. Listen to their concerns and provide a roadmap for their financial future. As their primary financial institution, you are in the perfect position to help guide them toward achieving their short- and long-term financial goals.”

Key Takeaway: Appointments can take many shapes: in-person, phone, video from branch to branch and video from the member’s device to the CU (also known as BYOD – Bring Your Own Device.) Regardless of how they are conducted, appointments help underscore that your CU offers a full range of contact options and places a priority on convenient access.