Despite the fact that Americans have learned to function without full branches for months during the pandemic, “customers still want to use branches,” says Robert Meara, a senior analyst at Celent. The evolution of branch usage post-COVID is essentially the same as before the pandemic closed lobbies: less transactions and more person-to-person advice. One key difference is that the person-to-person portion now may involve a video meeting.
These video consultations can take two forms: 1) use of video-conferencing kiosks or conference rooms located inside branches so that members can talk to financial specialists not based in that particular branch, or 2) remote video from a member’s phone, laptop, tablet or PC. These video meetings can also occur in two ways: 1) unscheduled or 2) via an appointment.
Key Takeaway: Our Flexible Branches Video Meetings module easily handles any combination of the above mentioned video scenarios – with no software to download – at a very affordable price point.